
SAP - 11 + Year



  • Providing daily SAP ECC Security support on production system such as user id creation requests, access

  • requirements and troubleshooting problems, defining and maintain authorizations and roles.

  •  Performing user administration like user Creation, Deletion, Lock/Unlock, Validity extension and Password reset.

  •  Manually created users across users across the landscape using and also created bulk number of users using script.

  •  Assigning authorization groups in S_PROGRAM, S_DEVELOP and S_TABU_DIS to restrict access to programs and tables via roles.

  •  Removed access for SE/SA 38, SE/SA 16, and SM30 from users and restricted access for all programs and tables and provided access to Z T-code for users to access only specific program or table.

  •  To make sure authority check is maintained for the Ztcodes and updated authorization object in SU24.

  •  Analyzing and troubleshooting missing authorizations based on the SU53 screen shot sent by the users

  •  Analyzed user related information including roles, tcodes and profiles by utilizing transaction SUIM

  •  Traced the users using ST01 and STAUTHTRACE based on requirement to find the missing field and activity valuesusing the return codes.

  • BI Security Skills

  •  Setup BW/BI security query users, admin users and power users.

  •  Built authorizations to grant access to data at Info object and Key figure level.

  •  Built analysis authorization in RSECADMIN and inserted them in role using S_RS_AUTH.

  •  Good understanding of Authorization objects S_RS_COMP and S_RS_COMP1.

  •  Restricted and provided access to execute queries in SAP BI7.0.

  • SAP GRC Skills

  •  Used ARA to perform risk analysis before assigning roles, taken approvals if required.

  •  Under Risk Analysis, performed User & Role based Risk analysis to identify existing SOD violations performed

  •  Created custom risk id’s & functions as per the business needs.

  •  Maintained risks and critical access rules and generating Access Rules.

  •  Interacted regularly with functional team members and updated custom rule set, Functions and risk id‘s and maintained ACTVT, field value details at permission level.

  •  Created mitigation controls and updated approvers and monitors as required.

  •  Creation and administration of the fire-fighter ID's, Owners, controllers in GRC (FF).

  •  Synchronized objects in the AC repository. Scheduled and monitoring background.

  •  Configured role methodology.

  •  Defined Length, Attribute and static Text for the Role attributes of single, composite and derived role types in BRM.

  • HANA Security skills

  •  Created users in HANA DB and also fetched the list of users, user groups for extraction purpose.

  •  Granting the owner ship of data such as schema and catalogue objects to users based on requirement.

  •  Maintained user parameters for users in HANA DB.

  •  Assigned ADSO(info providers) for users through BW for HANA system.

  •  Knowledge on schema, packages and privileges such as object, system and created analytical privileges.

  •  Knowledge on user types used in HANA and the authentications, authorizations.

  •  Knowledge Transport(CTS),Trace and Audit in HANA

  • IDM Security skills

  •  Creation /extraction of user and maintaining account attributes in IDM.

  •  Creation of the identity and allocating the business role and enabler as per the user job code.

  •  Maintaining the AOR for the company code, plant, country, geomarket,segment and sub segment.

  • Maintenance of HR data in IDM such as personnel number, business area, personal area text, employee group,Subgroup, position and segment.

  •  Raised the request for BR’s(Business Roles) on behalf of users and make sure user would get assigned the required role and privilege as per the approval procedures.

  • FIORI Security skills

  • Checking the service id’s related to the O data service from the Fiori Library

  •  Adding the business catalog, business group to the FIORI business customized roles in order to make the app work without error.

  • Tracing the users to find missing error details to find them role applications menu from SUIM.

  • Providing support to all IT(Functional, Technical) and end users

Primary Skills
  • SAP

Secondary Skills
  • ABAP

Project 1 - IT Industry (18 months)

    Roles:Support & Implementation

    • Creation of Composite, Master and derived roles

    •  Updating, modifying the existing roles based on requirement.

    •  Adding, removing tcodes, adding org values to roles based on requirement

    •  Processing the user administration requests through GRC access requests.

    •  Working on CSI RBM tool regard the changes and modifications

    •  Working for SAP Security support using service now tool regard regular support of service and change requests.

Project 2 - IT Industry (7 months)

    Roles: Sap Security Support

    • Submission of CP GRC access requests for the user creations.

    • Creating roles in S/4 and FIORI

    •  Users support for access and support through JIRA tool.

Project 3 - IT Industry (7 months)

    Roles :Sap Security & GRC Consultant

    • Submission of GRC access request, using FFID and submitting request for FFID to Functional team.

    •  Helping users to self reset their password from GRC system.

    •  Role creation, changes and transport

    •  Role owner changes in GRC system

Project 4 - IT Industry (4 months)

    Roles:Sap Hana Security

    • Creation and maintenance of Users in BW and HANA systems.

    •  Assigning roles to users in BW and HANA systems.

    •  Assigning ADSO /info providers to users through BW for HANA systems.

Project 5 - IT Industry (17 months)

    Roles:Sap Security Senior Consultant

    • Performing the user level simulation for the users in ARA and suggesting the suitable business role for user to raise through MY Access.

    •  Extraction of the users in IDM and HR system as per the job code, GIN number and personnel number.

    •  Creation / modification of the role which includes tcode addition/removal and activity ,field values modification and preforming the role optimization task to reduce the risks which would be associated as per role level to users ofdifferent SAP modules.

    • Creation /extraction of user and maintaining account attributes in IDM.

    •  Raising for the BR’s on behalf of users and make sure user would get assigned the required role and privilege and also suggesting the user to self-raise for the required BR from MY ACCESS.

    • Worked on user administration activities related to ARIBA, OTM, ME/MI, KRONOS systems.

    •  Scheduled back ground jobs for Users, Roles, Profiles and Authorization data from backend connectors.

    •  Performing SOD checks in GRC system.

    •  Audit reports to Security controllers.

    •  Created mitigation controls and updated approvers and monitors as required.

Project 6 - IT Industry (8 months)

    Roles : Sap Security Support

    • Daily monitoring of different SAP systems such ECC, BW, HR, APO, PI, SOLMAN systems.

    •  Using tcodes such as SM12, SM13, SM37, ST22, SMQ2, and SM58 as a part of daily monitoring.

    •  Sending mails to functional consultants regarding the daily monitoring such as Lock entries in SM12, Update records found in SM13.

    •  Daily monitoring of Cancelled and active jobs in SM37. Finding the ABAP dump errors in ST22 and sending mails to specific functional team across all SAP landscape.

    • Extracting the Inbound queue list in SMQ2. Extracting the RFC error logs in SM58 as part of daily monitoring.

    • Maintained the track of Firefighter ID usage reports and Audit reports for SOX Compliance purpose.

    •  Analysing and providing various Security and Audit reports to Security controllers.

    •  Checking for unmitigated SOD for each user creation and mitigating it with appropriate risk id if applicable in GRC (ARA) module.

    • Created Connectors and Connector Types for back end systems and also defined subsequent connectors.

    •  Experience in SOD (Segregation of Duties) issues and Role remediation.

    •  Configured Access Risk Analysis in GRC.

Project 7 - IT Industry (12 months)

    Roles:Sap AMT

    • Creating roles on based on the naming followed and identifying and correcting few of the existing roles as per proper naming.

    •  Interacting with Functional and ABAP team to maintain authority check for Ztcodes and maintain SU24 with specific authorization objects for the custom tcodes.

    •  Authorization tracing using T-code ST01, STAUTH TRACE depending upon requirements.

    •  Performed auditing as part of securing custom programs and tables and removing * values in company codes , costcenter in roles

    •  Performed post & pre installation steps for ARA, ARM, EAM and BRM.

    •  Activated Services in SICF.

    •  Activated GRC & GRAC BC Sets required for ARA, EAM, BRM and ARM.

    •  Complete configuration of Access Risk Analysis, Access Request Management, Business Role Management (BRM)and Emergency Access Management.

    •  Creations and administration of the firefighter ID’s, Owners, controllers in GRC (FF).

    •  Identify the risks in process and implement suitable mitigation controls.

    •  Created Organization Unit in GRC.

    •  Created mitigating controls and assigned/mapped the owners.

    •  Generating the reports on weekly/monthly basis and interacting with different teams to reviews and improve the overall team performance.

Project - IT Industry (18 months)

    Roles:Sap S&A

    • Removed access for tcodes SE/SA 38, SE/SA 16, and SM30 from users and restricted access for all programs and

    • tables across land scape and provided access to Z T-code for users to access only specific program and table which isrelated to internal Audit.

    •  Under Risk Analysis, performed User & Role based Risk analysis to identify existing SOD violations.

    •  Schedule back ground jobs for management reports.

    •  GRC AC Enhancements (Risk update ,function update and workflow maintenance) on GRC 10.0

    •  Run risk analysis, analyse SOD’s and trouble shoot false positive issues.

    •  Participation in internal and external audits.

Project 9 - IT Industry (4 months)

    Roles:Sap Security Consultant

    • Created new sap user ids based on change request and provided access to missing authorisations to users

    •  Assigned roles to the users for access to T-codes based on the locations and country codes

    •  Formed single, composite and derived roles and supervised the production support issues for SAP authorisations

    •  Followed the process as defined and ensured issues were resolved within SLA

    •  Worked on security tickets and satisfied the client by reducing the ticket volume to a manageable number

Project 10 - IT Industry (5 months)

    Roles:Sap Security consultant

    • Assigned users to teams, member access profiles and assigned users in BPC and provided access for the required

    • company codes for the budget upload and monthly upload as per requirement in BPC by discussing with functional

    • consultant.

    • Maintained the relation of PFCG roles with business roles in CRM and created business partners using BP.

    •  Analysis on transaction codes with SOD Matrix for Creation of Function ids & Relevant Risk ids

    •  Analysing financial Risks on creation or modification of SAP roles and approving changes

    •  Identify the risks in process and implement suitable mitigation controls.

    •  Schedule Jobs to produce the reports of FF ids and sent to Functional Managers.

    •  Audit reports to Security controllers.

    •  Performing SOD checks in GRC system.

    •  Scheduled back ground jobs for Users, Roles, Profiles and Authorization data from backend connectors

Project 11 - IT Industry (9 months)


    • Created and provided access for users to portal system.

    •  Executed role creation/modification, deletion using PFCG and addition, removal of tcodes, authorization field values by modifying existing roles based on change request.

    •  Transported the roles from DEV-QAS and PRD systems for creation and deletion.

    •  Worked on User Information System(SUIM) for extracting roles on based on request and on security related tables such as AGR_T-code , AGR_USERS, AGR_AGRS

    • Used ST01 to trace and find the required field values in authorizations to assign appropriate role.

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